2023 NCCCC Star Search Winners!
The 2023 NCCCC Star Search Campaign produced quite a few nominations from across the State. Congratulations to our 2023 Star Search Winners and thank you for going above and beyond to make a difference in the lives of those living in our long-term care communities.


Piney Grove Nursing & Rehab Center
Deborah Grooms
Housekeeping & Laundry Supervisor
Deborah has dedicated 19 years to Piney Grove Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, a Principle LTC facility. Finding people committed to a single skilled nursing facility for this duration is increasingly rare. Over these 19 years, she has successfully supervised her department and played a key role in guiding her team through our annual state survey without any deficiencies, while also supporting the rest of the staff in achieving a deficiency-free survey. Working with Deborah, you'll find an extraordinary level of caring and dedication. She gives her all to her team and to Piney Grove, working tirelessly and remaining devoted to both the residents and the facility team. During my four years as the facility administrator, I've had the privilege of working with Deborah, and I've never encountered an individual quite like her. She's consistently punctual, goes above and beyond, and is known for her accountability, trustworthiness, and willingness to take on any task. She's a strong supporter of the administration and avoids the drama that can sour a facility. Deborah embraces change and growth, seeming to relish opportunities for advancement and recognition of success. She has a deep desire to lead and challenge her team in personal, professional, and spiritual growth and constantly finds innovative ways to motivate her staff. Working with her is an honor, and having her as part of the Piney Grove team is a true blessing. She's not just a shining star; she's like the full moon – a constant presence that brightens our lives. Her commitment and dedication to both the staff and the residents have captured the hearts of everyone at Piney Grove.


Carver Living Center
Barbara Barbee
Dietary Aide
Barbara Barbee came to Carver Living Center, a CHH Healthcare facility, in 2021. When she interviewed for a position in the kitchen, she stated she was willing to do anything. Ms. Barbee is the ripe young age of 72 and told me she needed something to do where she could give to others. Her husband had recently passed away and she needed, "people". What we learned is that the residents and staff needed Ms. Barbee! Ms. Barbee comes in every morning with a smile on her face, a pep in her step, and a song in her heart. She takes great pride in wrapping silverware, being the dining room hostess, and providing fresh flowers from her garden to place on the dining room tables for the residents. During her dining room hostess duties, she not only passes out the lunch trays but provides all the special extras that residents want. She takes time to get to know each one of them personally and engages them in conversation. Her calm soothing spirit makes her an unsung hero every day. She has been the recipient of the "BEE KIND" award several times throughout her employment. If there was ever an employee who deserved this award, Ms. Barbee would be that person.


Carver Living Center
Gidget Smith
QA Nurse
Gidget came to work at Carver Living Center, a CCH Healthcare facility, in March of 2021. She has many years of experience in long term care working as a nursing assistant and received her LPN in 2007. During her tenure at Carver, she has risen to every challenge every day and has done so with grace. Shortly after she started at Carver, her father passed away however, this never affected her work. Later in 2021, her mother passed, and Gidget learned that she, herself had cancer. While undergoing cancer treatments, Gidget would come in early to work, go receive her treatment, and return to work. She never allowed her circumstances to get her down or stop her from doing her job duties. We would beg her to take time away to take care of herself, but she refused saying that Carver was her family and taking care of residents made her feel better. She is a great mentor to all staff and brings a positive spirit to all who know her. She is such an encourager and builds that culture with the team. It is not uncommon for her to send a morning devotional or pick up the phone and say, "God brought you to mind today and I just want you to know I am praying for you." She can often be found dancing or singing in the facility, and she loves a good laugh. Gidget is that team member you can give a task to and know that it will get done and it will be done perfectly. I keep telling Gidget that the only thing keeping her from being a DON was she needed her RN license. This is something she plans to do in the fall. Gidget Smith is a ROCKSTAR and I am delighted to nominate her for the Star Search award.