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To Know Me .... A Method to Enhance Person Centered Care

Updated: Feb 14, 2023

“To Know Me - A Method to Enhance Person-Centered Care” is a CMPRP funded project benefiting long-term residents in North Carolina. According to Rick Kral, Project Manager and founder of 2nomi, Nursing homes need a practical way to promote a Person-Centered Care (PCC) culture change to enhance staff skills and help develop care plans based on who the resident is as a person. This program provides hard cover and digital life story books as a solution to collect, document and then use life history information for care planning and applying the knowledge in real-world, daily practice. Life story books are a simple and effective tool to help develop individualized, person-centered care plans and practice interventions that develop a better understanding of the resident, promote positive relationships between staff, resident and families and increase quality of life and quality of care for residents in a long-term care facility.

Unlike a life history form that is often kept filed away, a hard-bound life story book with large, full-color photographs and text detailing positive memories can be kept easily accessible and can be shown to a resident to provide an immediate visual and tactile sensory stimulation if they are anxious or in need of an activity or a personal interaction with a staff member.

We help residents and their families create and publish a free life story photobook to share with care staff. We also provide staff training that develops competence in PCC, explains the foundations of using a life story book in the provision of PCC planning and how life story books are an effective tool in enhancing PCC practices. We work with a facility-designated staff member (usually the Activities Director) to announce the program to the residents and families and then help them create the books using a web-based platform to create life story books grounded on best practice research. 2nomi® staff will provide any assistance necessary or even fully create the book for any resident or their family. Each facility will receive credit for 100 books. Each hard cover book created gets sent directly to the nursing home to be used in care planning and PCC practices. The book creation process also generates a digital version for the family that can be immediately viewed on smartphones, tablets and/or computers. After the resident’s discharge from the home, the books become the property of the resident/family to be kept as a legacy and keepsake.

Each nursing home is provided with a Lenovo Android tablet loaded with all the training, presentations, surveys, and other program tools. The tablet can also be used to view digital versions of any books created for the residents of each home. For more information about the "To Know Me" project you can contact Rick Kral at

Submitted by Rick Kral, Founder of 2nomi

Additional content submitted 2/14/2023 with permission from 2nomi and the resident's legal representative.

To view the personalized storybook, click on the link below.

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